Christmas Day 2021
 | After giving Jeff and family some early morning family time, Rod, Mark and Brenda joined them for gift-giving time. |
Might as well get these two generations of Naves together with Mark, Rod, Brenda and Jeff.
Moving down to the younger generation produced the unexpected! Jeff had gotten shotguns for Ashleigh and Jordan. I don't know what the story is with Elyse and the boxing gloves. | |
Now things settled down to the traditional, with stockings hung by the chimney with care, and girls in the floor to receive gifts from the family.
 | This was certainly a significant gift of a Wedding Planner to Jordan, who had just shared with us at Thanksgiving her engagement to Luke! |
Uncle Mark's gifts to the girls generated excitement with his generous cash gifts. | |
 | Moving up a generation for the gift giving, Darla opens one of her gifts. |
Three lovely young ladies - Oh! and the red housecoats are attractive too! | |
It was indeed a great blessing to have our whole family together by the Christmas tree.
Jordan managed to get this shot of all of us with her cellphone by propping it on the floor. | |
 | After our Christmas morning celebration at Jeff and Darla's, Mark had to depart to get back for plans at home. It was certainly a great blessing to have him down there again with the family. The girls gathered with him outside for goodbyes. |
To the Moyle family Christmas Day gathering
 | Our tradition is brunch at the Moyle's after the individual family gift giving at home. Grammy Judy and Grandma Brenda are given priority on the nice layout of brunch. Judy had provided the shirts proclaiming "Grandmother's Deer Ones". |
An item of great excitement this Christmas was the ring on Jordan's finger from her recent engagement to Luke. | |
Jordan's announcement cranked up the already high level of excitement of the family Christmas gathering. From left Grammy Judy Moyle, Grandma Brenda Nave, Jonathan Ringo with his guest Corinne, Debbie Ringo, Ashleigh Nave, Jessica Ringo, Lindsey Moyle.
From left on the fireplace side are Lindsey Moyle, Bethany Moyle, Jordan Nave, Caleb Wells, Robby Wells. At bottom left is Bethany's very well-behaved little dog Skippy.
The sharing of gifts begins. From left, Jessica Ringo, Elyse Nave, Lindsey Moyle, Bethany Moyle, Jordan Nave, Caleb Wells, Josiah Wells, Robby Wells.
 | The first joy of the parent generation is to watch the fun of the young ones opening their gifts. Jeff Moyle, Jeff Nave, Darla Nave, Leslie Moyle, Judy Moyle. |
When the gift opening really gets going, sometimes tools are needed. Lindsey Moyle, Bethany Moyle, Jordan Nave | |
 | The Wells family celebrates something electronic. Caleb, Josiah, Robby, Diane. |
Clockwise from bottom left: Jonathan Ringo & Corinne, Elyse Nave, Lindsey Moyle, Bethany Moyle, Bethany Moyle and Jordan Nave, Caleb, Josiah and Robby Wells.
 | The joy of Christmas presents: Lindsey Moyle, Bethany Moyle, Jordan Nave, Josiah Wells. |
Happy girls with gifts and surrounded by wrappings. Elyse Nave, Lindsey Moyle, Bethany Moyle, Jordan Nave | |
The group is now back together for the handing out of the Christmas stockings. From left: Jonathan Ringo, Darla Nave, Jessica Ringo, Elyse Nave, Lindsey Moyle, Bethany Moyle, Jordan Nave, Caleb Wells, Josiah Wells, Robby Wells, Diane Wells.
 | Darla Nave, Leslie Moyle, Judy Moyle, Brenda Nave watch for the handing out of the stockings. |
The handing out of the stockings has begun. Diane Wells, Debbie Ringo, Brenda Nave, Caleb Wells, Ashleigh Nave, Jessica Ringo, Elyse Nave, Jordan Nave, Jonathan Ringo.
Elyse Nave, Jordan Nave, Jonathan Ringo, Corinne examine the treasures in their stockings. | |
 | Diane Wells, Debbie Ringo, Brenda Nave, Caleb Wells, Ashleigh Nave, Jessica Ringo. |
Bethany's guest Miles arrives to join the celebration and is surprised to find that a stocking has been prepared for him. | |
The placing of fruit in the Christmas stocking is a tradition that goes back generations, maybe centuries. So maybe this is a modern overlay on that tradition, the bouncing of the fruit on your arm and trying to catch it. Caleb and Elyse show us how it is done.
 | This family loves game playing. After the gift giving, a spontaneous card game broke out. |
The game group grew larger, and they switched to a new version of a favorite word game. | |
 | Even the passion for games paused for the wonderful Christmas dinner that had been prepared. The younger generation filled one end of the dining/living room. |
The parent and grandparent generations occupied the long table that Robby and Caleb had constructed. | |
 | Then it was back to the games for this game-loving family. |
It certainly was a Christmas blessing to join in all the activities of the family on this Christmas day.
2021 |