Celebrating Brenda's 80th Birthday
Members of our Sunday School class at our Sunday Morning continental breakfast celebration. L-R back row: Al Vineyard, Betsy Weaver, Tony and Lalie Mode, Melissa Little, Jesslyn and Roger Frater, Barry Long, Roger Speight, Cheryl and Mike Anthony, Barry Krebs . Front row: Gail Wade, Janet Vineyard, Brenda and Rod, Brenda Speight, Laura Mode.
Thanks to Cheryl and Mike Anthony, Brenda Speight and Betsy Weaver for initiating an 80th birthday celebration for Brenda. They had first planned a social at a local restaurant, but with the rapid rise in the Covid Delta variant, we gave up that idea. Then they came up with the idea of the continental breakfast celebration on Sunday morning August 29 (Brenda's birthday is the 26th).
They worked hard to set up the room next to our Sunday School room for the nice breakfast and the decorations for the celebration. |  |
The ladies really know how to decorate a room! Everything was nicely done. |  |
 | They had prepared a nice memory book and had a basket of birthday cards from class members and others. |
With a lovely bouquet of flowers and lots of nice decorative touches, they blessed everyone with the beauty of things. |  |
Betsy Weaver with the beautiful food and decorations for the celebration. We were ready for the time of fellowship. |  |
Everyone seemed to enjoy the time of visiting and celebrating. With the Covid, it had been over a year since we had had an open Sunday School fellowship time. Janet Vineyard, Cheryl Anthony, Brenda Speight, Roger Frater, Barry Krebs, Roger Speight, Gail Wade, Lalie and Laura Mode, Jesslyn Frater, Barry Long, Tony Mode, Brenda, Mike Anthony.
| A time for relaxed conversation and fellowship around the tables. Melissa Little, Cheryl Anthony, Lalie and Laura Mode, Gail Wade. |
It was good to visit with former class member Barry Krebs. Roger Speight, Tony Mode and Al Vineyard. |  |
| It was also good to visit with former members Vicki and Joe Baker. Vicki talks with Brenda Speight. Janet Vineyard, Betsy Weaver and Cheryl Anthony at back. |
Brenda Speight, Laura Mode, Jesslyn Frater, Gail Wade at table. Mike Anthony in back. |  |
Brenda has conversation with Roger Frater and Barbara Floyd.
| The active visiting continues. Laura Mode and Gail Wade at table. Roger Speight, Barry Krebs, Tony Mode, Janet and Al Vineyard. |
Nan LaFlash, Donna Rosser, and Corkie Brooks join in with congratulations. | |
| Linda and Jim Stearns joined the active group as we enjoyed visits from members of other Sunday School classes. |
It was obvious that everyone was enjoying this time of fellowship. Betsy Weaver with Joe and Vicki Baker, Jim Stearns, Barry Krebs, Tony Mode, Keith Weaver, Al and Janet Vineyard. | |
All were welcome to our celebration. Becky Ridgway and Nan LaFlash came by to offer congratulations.
| Pastor Doug Thompson drops by to join the celebration. |
Keith Weaver came over along with Warren Courts from his class. Keith with Barry Krebs, Tony Mode, Al and Janet Vineyard at left.
It was a great time of fellowship, and we greatly appreciated all those who worked hard to make it happen. The gathering involved about thirty friends.
2021 |