Thirsty Titmouse
December 30, 2020
The titmouse is a regular visitor to our bird feeders, and has appreciated the colorful water dish that Sherry gave us. It arrived about noon on this very cold day, and was out of luck, with the water frozen solid! |  |
 | It kept coming back to check, but at this time near noon it was still out of luck. |
Finally, at about 2pm, there was a bit of meltwater around the edge of the ice, so it appeared that he got a sip. |  |
 | This bird and the one above came in at about 4pm. This one looks quite satisfied, and has a drip of water hanging from his beak. The one above appears to have the tip of its tongue sticking out, so both were able to get a drink. |
Also about a 4pm arrival when there was significant melting, this titmouse looks quite satisfied. If I am correct that this is a tip of its tongue sticking out, and a tiny drop of water on the far side of its beak, it seems that it has been successful in getting a drink.
2020 |