Enjoying the Birds
July-August 2020
The titmouse at right was a frequent breakfast companion as he came to get peanuts from the window feeder. The rubythroated hummingbird below arrived in early July and dominated the feeder - we called him Alpha. By mid August we had at least four hummingbirds coming, but Alpha terrorized the others. With the bright background you couldn't see the ruby red of the throat, but his behavior made a black hood more fitting. July 17.  |  |
The cardinals often perched in the oak tree just outside our window in full view from the breakfast table. July 17.
The titmice come in warily, then grab peanuts and depart like they were stealing them. I have used them as an example of a "theology that is for the birds", acting as a thief of blessings when I have worked to supply the treats to bless them. July 17.
 |  It's rather tough to get good photos of the hummingbirds - they fly fast, don't stay long, and are always moving. July 18. |
The colorful pentas were attractive to them.  |  |
We were visited regularly by two bright goldfinch males and one very slim female. July 24.
 The tiny Carolina chickadee is low man on the pecking order, but manages to get in to get some food. It often hangs around with the titmouse. July 24. |  |
The titmouse is one of my favorites. He comes in like a tiny, agile fighter jet, usually grabbing a peanut and just as quickly departing. July 23.
We have had a fine, active group of cardinals this year. This one is pretty spectacular even though he is in molt. July 24. |  |
 | We have enjoyed watching the hummingbirds, especially at breakfast. But it is hard to get reasonable pictures of them because of the strong backlighting of the morning. July 27.  |
Morning visitors on July 29.
We have often commented that there were a lot of brown thrashers at Marty's house, two houses down, but they seldom came to visit us. This year is different. This brown thrasher is a regular visitor. He was particularly interested when Brenda threw out some old cereal. August 1.
 |  The cardinal above had just taken flight. Aug 7. The smaller birds like the chickadee at left come to the bush in view of our breakfast table to hop to the feeder with the peanuts that they like. Aug 8. |
I found this female cardinal attractive despite the fact that she is in full molt. She has lost her topknot and a good many feathers. Aug 8.
There were two fine goldfinches that came in late July and stayed with us. August 8.