Christmas Memories
December 24, 2020
We have enjoyed and taken comfort from reviewing the photos of our trips to Pearl River for Christmas over the past 20 years. This year we stay at home as a precautionary measure with the danger of Covid which has racked our country and the world. At this time we do feel blessed with our good health and pray for the continued health of our extended family.
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Brenda worked hard to get gifts together and sent a big box of gifts to Pearl River for the Moyle family gathering. For the girls she mostly launched gifts from Amazon with agreements for who would intercept and wrap the gifts.
On Christmas morning, Jeff called us by Zoom so we could watch the opening of the gifts, so we did get to share some of that excitement with the family.
We also enjoyed talking with them by Zoom, and got to see how they had decorated Jeff's beard with ornaments. Later, Jeff called us from the gathering at the Moyles so we could see some of the gift opening there. |  |
 | Since we weren't able to go down to be with them personally this Christmas, we really appreciated the picture on the Christmas card they sent. |
2020 |