Enjoyment of the Back Yard Birds
August 2, 2019
 | Summer brings the goldfinches, usually in the company of the pine warblers. |
August 3, 2019
And where there are bird feeders, there are also squirrels! |  |
August 4, 2019
 | The cardinals are beginning to grow back their feathers after their summer molt.  |
August 6, 2019
Oh! And did I mention that we had squirrels?
 |  | The downy woodpecker is a pleasant daily visitor. |
September 6, 2019
For most of the summer we have had an alpha rubythroat that has dominated the feeder so that other hummingbirds had to sneak in. But at this time he seems to have lost his grip, and these two hummingbirds, though maybe not entirely friendly to each other, did act in such a way that both got some food.
 | This was one of the rare times when they both sat down for a few moments to eat. Maybe they were just tuckered out from all that flying about. |
2019 |