Overnight at Bent Tree
July 23-24, 2019
With tools and supplies, we headed to Bent Tree for another round of refurbishing and preparation of the property to put it on the market to sell.
On the way, we got the treat of seeing this doe and her two lovely fawns just as we turned onto Chestnut Cove Road to go up to our house.
 | The two fawns seemed more curious than afraid, but they dutifully followed their Mom into the woods. |
This trip was made in the pickup since we need to move tools and supplies. We had stopped at the Home Depot in Jasper and gotten a large bat of insulation for the attic.
We met and talked with Jose and Robin Casas about painting the basement ceiling, pressure washing and deck repair as we try to get the house ready to list for sale. |  |
 | Rod got to work with the shop vacuum, the air compressor and an air-powered stapler to try to repair some of the squirrel devastation of the attic insulation. Most of the ripped up fiberglass could be compressed into the bottom part of the rafter space to provide a little more resistance to the squirrel movement. After stapling in the insulation, screen hardware cloth was stapled onto the rafters to hold the insulation in and provide another barrier to the squirrel movement. |
A 5-inch foot was folded into the screen wire so that it could be stapled to the attic floor as well as the studs to provide more of a barrier to the varmits. About 18 feet of the triangle area was covered with the screen on this trip. |  |
 | It took me until about 5pm on Wednesday to finish the installation of my screen wire supply. Brenda vacuumed and cleaned, so we had both put in two days of work and were pretty tired when we headed for home. |
2019 |