Empire State Building
November 21, 2017
 | Tuesday, November 21 was our last day in New York. We had a buffet breakfast in the Planet Hollywood building at a place called Bucca de Beppo which the choir tour had set up for the group. We checked out of our rooms and stored the luggage at the hotel. Jeff, Darla, Elyse and Brenda headed out to the Empire State Building. Rod preferred to stay behind with the carryon luggage and read.
At left is a view of the Empire State Building from our Sunday tour. The first pictures below were taken from the open observation deck near the top. |
This is a view northward from the Empire State Building. You can see a bit of Central Park at the top of the view, and the tall skinny building is close to our hotel, so this is a view back toward the part of New York City where we had spent most of our time.
 | Brenda and Elyse on the observation deck. This is looking slightly south of west over the Hudson River. |
This view is slightly west of north over the Hudson River.
This view is westward over the Hudson River. I am guessing that it is close to the Chelsea Pier location where our tour boat left since we saw these buildings under construction early in our dinner cruise. |  |
 | Jeff, Darla and Elyse on the enclosed observation floor. |
They made it back from the Empire State Building in a taxi just in time for us to load up on our scheduled transport to LaGuardia Airport. The taxi was so slow in the intense New York City traffic that they judged that they could have walked back in that time period. A nice lady in a black van transported us to the airport for an $80 fee. She knew all the back routes to the airport that the trucks and buses couldn't take.
We arrived at Atlanta Hartsfield Airport about an hour after Ashleigh and Jordan had landed from New Orleans and they met us at the gate when we emerged. We got our luggage and called in Marty from the cellphone lot to pick us up for the trip home.