Bent Tree Picnic with Iglesia de Mableton
August 19, 2017
We gathered at Iglesia de Mableton and led a caravan of cars to Jasper, stopping at the Ingles in Jasper as usual for supplies. Then we proceeded to the Pavilion on the lake at Bent Tree. We are continuing a tradition of picnics, having had one in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007,
The lakeside pavilion provided plenty of room and had nice grills for charcoal cooking, at which these folks are very adept.
It was also a good place for just visiting and talking with one another. | |
Sandra had brought a birthday cake for Rod, so we gathered to celebrate. They sang Happy Birthday in English. Pastor Javier took this picture.
Then Juan took the camera and Javier joined Grace and Kevin for another picture.
| Juan kept shooting as Rod and Brenda cut the cake. Javier and Otoniel look on. |
It was a happy time of sharing with these folks. Otoniel, Elizabeth and Francisca look on the cake cutting. | |
| OK, one more time to include more of those who joined in the celebration. Guadalupe, Blanca, Sandra (who provided the cake), Javier and Otoniel. |
Then the crowd gathered round started chanting Beso! Beso! so of course Rod cooperated. | |
Sandra's thoughtfulness in bringing the birthday cake made possible a celebration together where there was no language or cultural barrier - everyone understood the idea of celebrating together.
| Roasting marshmallows was one of their favorite things. |
Juan holds the baby while the parents enjoy the smile. |  |
| Brenda shares with Sandra. Anthony is focusing on his marshmallow. |
Little sister Valerie has just lost her marshmallow, but is holding onto the watermelon. Muy Linda! |  |
| Blanca and Francisca in conversation on the lakeside. |
Francisca Nava and Brenda Nave enjoy a time of conversation together. |  |
2017 |