Return to Pearl River
September 1-4, 2017
 We drove to Pearl River on September 1, anxious to see the girls since we hadn't seen Jordan since she returned from Ecuador nor Ashleigh since she returned from Alaska. But when we arrived, we found the three girls very busy in a wrestling match in the hallway.
They did pause their match to greet us! |  |
 | We treasured the fact that these hugs and wrestling matches have a long history with them, and this image from our 2007 trip to Nashville is an example. |
 | My goodness!! We have three grown-up young ladies here! And it seems like such a short time ago that they were babies.
It was delightful to see the three of them together again. |
Our next goal was to wrestle them into a picture with Grandma and Granddad.
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What a blessing! To be with all three of the granddaughters again!
Jordan's Birthday Celebration
 | On September 2 we had a pool party at the Moyle's to celebrate Jordan's birthday. It was a little late since her birthday is August 6, but she was on a different continent then, in Quito, Ecuador . |
| Jordan places and then lights the candles on her nice big birthday cake. Enough to share, and lots of ice cream too!  |
Singing Happy Birthday! to Jordan.
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 | We gather in the den for gift opening. Jordan reads a card of congratulations. |
It is a significant milestone as Jordan turns 18!
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Sometimes the cat nearly stole the show!
2017 |