To Pearl River for Christmas Visit
December 19-26, 2016
We drove to Pearl River on Monday, December 19 to be there in time for the Christmas Program at Creekside Middle School where Elyse attends.
Christmas Concert, Creekside Middle School
| Elyse played violin in the string ensemble. They performed three Christmas musical pieces as part of the concert. |
The large crowd in the gymnasium surprised me. You can see a row that starts with Ashleigh, then Debbie, Jordan, Judy and Brenda. Darla is sitting three rows in front of them and Jeff is around somewhere.
Elyse also sang in the choral group, accompanied by their string teacher on the string bass. Elyse is just to the left of the bass.
| Elyse with the other two sixth graders who sang with the chorus. That shows how much Elyse has grown during the past few months. |
They put on Christmas headpieces and sang a funny song about "Mr. Grinch", which they all seemed to enjoy. |  |
Elyse also played keyboard with a couple of pieces which had several keyboards playing together. The band also played about three pieces plus "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" at the end with the combined groups.
Pearl River High School Soccer
December 20
Jordan fields a ball in a game of Pearl River High against Slidell High School. The left-most group of four in the stands behind her are family members there to support the team. In front are Grammy Judy Moyle and Leslie Moyle. Behind them are Jeff Nave and Elyse Nave. On Tuesday evening we went to see Jordan and her cousins Bethany and Lindsey play soccer for Pearl River High School. Darla is the Coach of the team and her brother Jeff helps along the sidelines - they have both played soccer or been involved with it all their lives. These still shots during the game were shot by Ashleigh with up to 400mm focal length at 1/1000 sec, iso6400. |  |
| Jordan's cousin Bethany Moyle played midfield with her along with Lindsey.
Bethany showed good concentration and great ball-handling skill in the midfield. |
 | Bethany gets double-teamed above, but she dribbles right through.
Lindsey Moyle is the third member of the cousin trio in the midfield for Pearl River High. She was very intense, playing in the midfield. |
Jordan watches for the ball in the open field. |  |
 | Bethany fields the ball and is backed up by Lindsey. |
2016 |