Single Moms Dinner
October 3, 2015
Having a celebration dinner for the single Moms who are a part of our church or its ministry outreach was a matter of the heart for April Cantrell, who worked for months to make it happen.
The women's ministry and the Sunday School classes pitched in to help create a botique of clothing, personal items and supplies for this occasion.
Laura Ervin provided special music for the dinner and Stella Davis, shown here with Brenda, brought a message of encouragement and counsel. |
We were pleased to have over 25 single Moms present and some of us who had worked on the banquet joined them for the dinner. |
| The ladies had decorated the tables for the celebration.
The ladies had made up colorful gift bags of personal items, and even carrying bags so they could visit the boutique afterward. |
| With the decoration done, we were ready to greet the guests. Linda Stearns, Carol Hall and Mary Brumbelow greet at the signup table. |
After all the preparation, everyone was excited as the guests came and were seated. |
Meanwhile the youth were hard at work in the kitchen preparing the food to serve.
We couldn't have been prouder of the group of youth who came to help prepare and serve the food!
Elaine Ridgway asks the blessing on the food and the youth are off to serve it.
In addition to the food, they were kept busy filling drinks. |
And that kept others busy back in the kitchen. Wow! Overall, our youth did a fantastic job with the food service. We had some adults who came as backup, but weren't even needed. |
Then came dessert time and again the youth were in service to the guests.
| Many thanks to Laura Irvin for the inspirational music, to Stella Davis for the teaching and inspiration, and to April Cantrell for her tireless work in organizing and introducing this event.
The ladies were encouraged to worship, to seek Godly counsel, and to pray - and a prayer room was provided as a part of this event. |
The prayer room was designed to be quiet and inviting for individuals or for intercessory prayer. Kelley Brandon and Lalie Mode worked with the prayer room and prayed there for tonights gathering.
Just before we released them for a free shopping spree at the boutique, we had a drawing for the gifts that had been prepared on the two gift tables. It turned out that we had enough that everyone got a gift, and again the youth were helpful in distributing the gifts from the drawing.
Over the past few weeks, the church had put a major effort into collecting clothing and other personal items to create a boutique of useful things for the ladies who were our guests. We gave them a period of time to shop. We finally gathered the group for a prayer of blessing on the families represented.
2015 |