Luncheon at the Green Manor in Union City
December 10, 2015
The luncheon group, L-R: Sam Davis, Max Hardie, Evelyn Davis(front), Corky Brooks, Jo Templeton, Sara Stipe, Carol and Bud Durand, Bill Stipe, Becky and Ricky Ridgway, Anita Hardie (front), Brenda Nave, Jon and Elise Rowland.
 | This is the Green Manor Restaurant in Union City. |
 |  | The restaurant is located in the middle of Union City. Brenda was more familiar with the area than the rest of us because she had lived in the area the year she was in the 10th grade while the house on Hillcrest Drive was being completed. |
Thanks to Ricky Ridgway for driving us down in the church bus. We unloaded at the front of the restaurant and enjoyed a nice buffet lunch in the authentic decor of an early 20th century house. |  |
 | Much of the original decor was preserved, and we were pleased to be able to explore upstairs. The first thing that caught my eye was a couch very much like the one that Aunt Pearl had in her living room. |
A wider view of the upstairs parlor.  |  |
We were fascinated by some of the antique furnishings. Brenda remembered that the TV that Doc and Gladys Bishop had was almost like this one - it was the first TV they ever saw. Both Brenda and I had telephones like the one shown during our teenage years.
 | Anita explored the upstairs with us. It was good to have fellowship with Max and Anita. We could reminisce about the times we worked together on the Alaska mission trip in 1992.
Here's another shot of the luncheon group with Anita taking the picture and Rod in it, L-R: Sam Davis, Max Hardie, Evelyn Davis(front), Corky Brooks, Jo Templeton, Sara Stipe, Carol and Bud Durand, Bill Stipe, Becky and Ricky Ridgway, Brenda and Rod Nave, Jon and Elise Rowland.
2015 |