Family Visit to Pearl River, Police Academy Graduation
November 6, 2015
We drove the Toyota pickup to Pearl River on Friday, November 6, and encountered almost every kind of weather imaginable. South of Hattiesburg we encountered a rain shower so intense that the expressway was covered in a fog in addition to the intense rain. Then we ran into sunshine with the rain still pouring, and you could see the raindrops glistening from the sunlight. That spells rainbow behind you, so when I looked in the rearview mirror, I could see the rainbow over the road.
 I photographed it in the rearview mirror and then stopped to get a more direct view as the intense shower slacked. In the shot at right, you could still see some of the road fog, but it quickly stoppped. |
 | We arrived in time to drop some of our luggage off at Judy's after a brief visit with Jeff and family. Then Elyse had her riding lesson before tonight's ceremony, so we went along to see part of her riding lesson at Mrs. Cookie's stable.
Mrs. Cookie guides Elyse and another girl through their riding lessons. It is an interesting farm and stable with several dogs and cats, chickens, a donkey and who knows what else. One of her dogs had just given birth to seven puppies. It certainly seems like a great experience for Elyse.
Mrs Cookie analyzed every move of both horse and rider with an expertise that spoke of long experience.
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 | Elyse took the horse around the corral several times, learning to move with the horse for maximum comfort and stability. Then she tried a canter. |
By the time they finished riding, it was getting dark. They took the horses to the stable to remove saddles and bridles and prepare them for rubdowns. |  |
 | Elyse works with the halter on her horse. Everything was set up in this middle part of the stable to handle the horses. |
Finally, Elyse removes the saddle from her horse. Mrs Cookie was concerned to get the horses cared for because they had already put on their winter coats and this was an unusually warm day. |  |
2015 |