Gibbs Garden Visit
August 8, 2014
We dropped by Gibbs Gardens on the way to Bent Tree to see the water lilies again. There were many more than on our previous visit in June.
 | An unexpected treat was to be able to watch this heron wade through the lilly pond. |
 | We enjoyed the variety of colors and the contrasts between the buds and open flowers. |
I don't know what color to call this, but I thought the delicate shadings in color along the petals was exquisite. |  |
The lilies were nicely spaced across the open water of the carefully designed ponds. You can see a few raindrops here and there, but we didn't mind because the rain seems to brighten the pads and make them more attractive. |  |
| The lilies seemed to grow brighter in the rain, as if welcoming the shower. |
| The rich color and perfection of some of these blooms would be hard to beat. |
This variety with the bright yellow center was one I had never seen. |  |
| With so much beauty in blooms, it's hard to choose what to emphasize.  |
| The heron was still keeping us company. There were lots of frogs around the rims of the ponds, so I'm guessing that was what he was here for.  |
This was certainly the most remarkable variety of water lilies that we have ever seen. We were glad we had come by today.
2014 |