Sue Woolf 90th Birthday Party
August 10, 2013
The Georgia Tech BSU Alumni group with the able assistance of the Woolf family was able to pull off a surprise 90th Birthday party for Sue Woolf at the Georgia Tech BCM Center. It followed closely the memorial service for Warren, but we felt it was good to get together to honor Sue. Above, Sue is behind the banner made in her honor after she was delivered to the Center by her family. Behind the banner are Nancy Baxley, Becky Rollins, Sue, Carol Bush and Barbara Petty. In the background are Frank Gudger, John Baxley and Bill Delk. |  |
 | We gathered at the Georgia Tech BCM Center about 11:30 and Frank Gudger was filling us in on Sue's expected arrival. This part of the group includes Carl Shaw, Mary Tanner, Brenda Nave, Henry Fields, Rogers Redding, Jane and Joe Stoner with Betty Hammonds showing between them, Boyd and Leslie Moore, Norman Petty, Carol Bush. |
We moved out onto the street in front of the Center with the big banner they had made up to welcome Sue. Gwen Sherwood, Betty Hammonds, Bette Jones, Becky Rollins, Carol Bush and Barbara Petty are holding the banner. |  |
The group gathered behind the banner and in the entrance to the Center were ready to celebrate. There was a lot of greeting of old friends as the group grew. David Woolf was with us, and was in touch with the car bringing Sue, so we were expecting the arrival any minute.
Finally celebrity Sue arrived and was greeted by the papparazzi! |  |
We all were to greet Sue enthusiastically, but we knew we couldn't quite match the greeting she got from a great-granddaughter!
Thanks to all the Woolf family for helping us to pull off this surprise celebration. They said it was a complete surprise to her - she thought they were all going out to eat near Tech, and were just going to cruise by the old Center location for old times sake.
I think it was probably about here that Sue began to get an idea of the full scope of this event as she encountered the crowd at the door.
The joy in the faces of those gathered tells the story of how much we honor this lady!
We finally get Sue in the center behind her birthday banner.
Once we get Sue inside, Frank gives us instructions about the meal, which is catered by the Varsity.
 | With choices of chilidogs and chilisteaks and the familiar "What'll ya have?" we settled in for fellowship at the tables and for a time afterward. It was great to celebrate with Sue and family and to have fellowship with so many old friends. |
2013 |