Frogs and Orchids
Saturday, July 14, 2012
We were much enjoying our exploration of the Atlanta Botanical Garden and were working our way toward the orchid house, which we didn't want to miss. But as we entered the orchid house I was distracted by the display of poison dart frogs and had to catch up with the ladies later. We had visited the orchid house with Shirley in 2005 and had seen the frogs then. We had also seen a wonderful collection of orchids in Costa Rica in 2006 at the Lankester Gardens.
There were several specimens of this green frog with black spots. |  |
  |  | Brilliant yellow frogs and cream-colored frogs. |  |
 | Now that is one ugly frog! He looks like a splat of mold or lichen plastered against a leaf. Who would want to eat a disgusting creature like that? Yuk! Pretty clever!
2012 |