Backpack Event at Mableton First Baptist
Saturday, July 29, 2012
 | The fellowship hall was a sea of yellow with our Love Loud T-shirts as we had lunch before the Backpack event.
Soon the hall by the sanctuary was full of people coming in for school supplies. |
 | We registered them at the kiosk and gave them a card for a backpack and noted the other stations they were going to visit.
The first staging area was the Depot where Greg and Stephen Hanthorn entertained them with juggling and magic tricks. |
 | The groups enjoyed the show and it was an excellent way to bunch the groups for the next stage.
Then Pastor Stephen Byrd and Mike Anderson welcomed them in the Music Suite and Pastor Stephen shared the gospel with them. |
 | A group of guides was standing by to take them to the various stations.
Laura Ervin guides this group to the backpack station. |
 | The team in the backpack room was standing by with a large pile of backpacks.
Their backpack cards were checked off and the backpacks delivered. The process went smoothly and the backpacks were appreciated. |
 | Several haircut stations were kept busy all afternoon.
Dr. Wayne Templeton and Matt O'Mahoney help a young boy with a vision screening. |
 | Sheryl Anthony helps another boy with a vision screening.
A staffed dental van was parked outside the church to do dental screening. |
 | Jo Templeton did hearing screening in a quiet room downstairs.
A free food service line was kept going all afternoon. Joyce Story, Carol Durand and Sharon Lance are on the front line, and at least a dozen of our folks were involved. |
 | Chris Ayers, Riley Brooks and Joe Burkhardt man the grill to cook hotdogs. The grill was also kept busy all afternoon.
As you walked around, you couldn't miss the sense of fun and friendliness among our yellow-shirted workers. From balloon stations to security guards to guides, everyone was helpful and friendly. |
 | Chris could be proud of his youth division - they were everywhere and added to the spirit of friendliness and playfulness.
As we back away from the event, we reflect upon the joy that was there, and the opportunity to be of service to our immediate community. |
 | An amazing haircare team rendered a lot of service in one afternoon.
And our title event of the day, the backpack distribution, worked so smoothly that the families involved could just relax and enjoy it. |
2012 |