Thanksgiving Day
November 24, 2011
| We were glad to see Uncle Andy on Thanksgiving morning, and he brought a surprise. He came with a box of Aunt Bonnie's jewelry to share with Ashleigh, Jordan and Elyse. We had a good time reminiscing about Aunt Bonnie, whom the girls had never seen.  Bonnie and Brenda |
Andy had brought his laptop with a sequence of pictures of Bonnie to further introduce her to the girls, and we had a great time telling Bonnie stories. Some of them involved this jewelry, since she loved to dress up in various creative costumes.
| Andy and Elyse had a good time, and he spent a good bit of time playing checkers with her in the den floor. |
Above, Andy greets Marty, who is always a big part of our Thanksgiving celebration. He and Jeff and Darla have a great time together on their Thanksgiving visits. Andy and Elyse had a good time. Elyse was enjoying the golf club cart that Marty had given us, and Andy spent a good bit of time with her on her rides down the sloped surface of Moody Lane.
Uncle Andy is even willing to push her back up the slope to ride again!
Aunt Sherry arrived and began to arrange some delicious desserts. |  |
Sherry also brought games as a birthday present for Jordan, and Jordan and Elyse sat down to some games with her.
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| Mark arrived and was mobbed by the girls. He had been working 12hrs a day or more, so we were glad he got the day off. |
We're getting down to the last stages of preparation for dinner now as Andy lifts the turkey out of the oven and does the carving for us.
Elyse, Mark and Jordan have already claimed their places at the table as the feast is brought in.
We were indeed thankful to be together this Thanksgiving Day. Rod offered the prayer of thanksgiving for the food and fellowship. Around the table are Brenda, Jeff, Andy, Ashleigh, Sherry, Elyse, Mark, Jordan, Darla.
| We certainly needed some exercise after all that eating, so we went out to the street to toss a Nerf dart. Jeff, Andy and Darla are on this end. |
Marty, Rod, Elyse and Ashleigh hold down the other end, with Elyse making a throw and Ashleigh recording it.
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2011 |