The Season of Thankgiving
 | As we approach Thanksgiving, there are always lots of good things being cooked! Jordan and Elyse help Grandma Brenda with the miixing. |
Ashleigh joins the process, so Grandma has lots of help with the baking. It is pleasant to have all the bustle around the kitchen. |  |
 | The girls have industriously cleared a network of paths in the leaves in the back yard so they can run the wheelbarrow on them. |
Elyse is playing on top of the playhouse more than in it these days. Ashleigh was in a mood to pull Jordan around the yard in the little cart, and really worked hard at it.
 |  Marty, Jeff and Darla enjoy spending time together. They watched movies, played games, and had one night out to play Trivia. |
Thanksgiving, November 25
The basement recreation room served as the refuge for those not immediately involved with food preparation. Ashleigh tries her hand at photograph. Stacy, Darnell and Jan watch Roger, Wesley and Matthew at the pool table. Elyse and Kimmorley, Darnell's nephew, enjoy plinking on the piano.
 | After Brenda and all the ladies of the family have worked to prepare the feast, Mark carves the turkey as one of the final steps of preparation for the Thanksgiving dinner. Jeff, Darla and Stacy help with getting everything in place. |
Finally we have our Thanksgiving blessing of the wonderful food and start around the food bar. Darnell, Stacy, Darla and Elyse are having their turn.
Our special guests were Matthew and fiance Jan Pursley, who have a wedding planned for December 11. Wesley, Sherry and Roger join them above. Darnell joins Jordan, Elyse, Kimmorley and Ashleigh at the breakfast table. |  |
 | Aunt Sherry had brought gifts of crafts and games for the girls and they enjoyed sitting at the table and playing with them. |
Then Brenda, Jordan and Aunt Sherry assisted by Elyse got into a game of Yahtzee. Most of the rest of the family was downstairs watching football since the New Orleans Saints were playing. |  |
 | Soon it was time to eat again, and we certainly had plenty of food. |
Friday, November 26
Elyse started the day helping Granddad Rod shave. Then we organized a trip to see Mark's shop off Hwy 166 and Sylvan Road. There Elyse gets locked into the steel cage that Mark has welded up to protect his welding equipment in the open shop.
 | We always enjoy poking around in Mark's shop. There are always so many interesting things there. |
We visited Mark's office that he build on the loft level of the big shop. Then we headed to Decatur to see Mark's house. Jeff and his family had not seen either the shop or the house before.
 | Mark gave us all a tour of the house from top to bottom, spending the most time in the intriging old shop which was left almost intact by the former owner. Then the girls all jumped on the couch with Uncle Mark in his den. |
When we left Mark's it was about lunchtime so we went to the Varsity for lunch. We enjoyed a relaxed afternoon and evening of videos and games and had breakfast together before they had to leave to return to Pearl River on Saturday morning. |  |
2010 |