Christmas Variety Show
December 22, 2009
A Christmas Variety Show was presented by the SCHEF (Slidell Christian Homeschool Education Foundation) Drama Class. Of course we were very interested because all three granddaughters are in it. In the opening scene, Ashleigh is extreme left, Elyse in the middle, and Jordan the closest to the Christmas Tree, almost hidden.
Zooming in on the granddaughters, at left is Ashleigh with Emily Victory, center is Jordan with Victoria Spires, and right is Elyse with Ryan Victory.
 | Avery Lockwood, Jordan Nave, and Abby Lockwood give a rousing rendition of Feliz Navidad. |
This is billed as "Christmas Shopping Skit" and is set in a workout room where they exercise to be able to survive the Christmas shopping marathon. Emily Victory lifts a heavy package while Jordan Nave works out with barbells loaded with shopping bags. At right are Lindsey Holzenthal, Abby Lockwood and Ashleigh Nave. Ashleigh's role is to remind them that the shopping is not the real point of Christmas but rather the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
The Night Before Christmas
As the last item before intermission, Abby Lockwood came to center stage to read "The Night Before Christmas". As she sat down, little Elyse came out from the wings in her white dress and there was a collective "Awww" reaction from the crowd. Elyse sat very quietly and attentively through the whole reading.
Ashleigh sings a song with the Grinch in the background, but when she isn't looking, he is making off with the gifts.
Looks like she has figured out that something is wrong.
She gets that old Grinch told off, and gets to finish her song. But unfortunately not only are all the gifts gone, but even the Christmas tree is missing!
Mary Did You Know?
 | The final number had the entire cast singing "Mary, Did You Know?". Ashleigh played the role of Mary.
Elyse was one of the angels that came and stood behind Mary and Joseph. |
The shepherd and sheep were added to the scene. Jordan was the white sheep. |  |
 | Then came the wisemen with their gifts. |
Others in the cast join as they begin to sing "Mary, Did You Know? |  |
Time to take a bow.
 | A farewell Christmas carol. |
Grandma Brenda is proud of her little angel! |  |
 | Carrie with Wyatt Victory and Elyse, with Jordan in foreground.  |
The girls after the drama with Mom and Grammy. Mom is holding Elyse's wings. |  |
It is great to have the family close enough to attend functions like this. Caleb with Diane, Jonathan, Ashleigh, Jessica, Pap and Grammy Moyle.
2009 |