Mt. Harmony Piano Concert
December 20, 2008
The occasion of Denise's playing in the Mt. Harmony Christmas piano concert gave us an opportunity to gather family for celebration.
Carol Sue Jones and daughter Alisha came over from Gardendale, Alabama. Brenda is in center, then Sherry who came down from Woodstock and Wesley from Gainesville.
 | We got over to Mt. Harmony early and claimed a row of seats in the balcony. Dorothy Watts joined us there and is shown here with Alisha, Carol, Sherry and Roger.
Pat and Richard Ergle arrive to join the family group. Richard, Sherry, and another cousin, Dean Huckeba are the three family members who were born on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the same week. Grannie Duncan got three new grandbabies that week.
Marie Ergle Lewis (below) graduated from high school with Brenda, her cousin.  |
 | Bob and Bobbie Jackson sit with Brenda. Jim and Sharon Lance, Kim White and part of her family rounded out the MFBC group in the balcony.
The sanctuary was almost full for this Saturday night program. We started with Christmas carols and Denise stands ready for her part in the piano concert.  |
 | Denise on one of the six pianos early in the program.
Denise played in two duet arrangements. At right you can see more of the arrangement which included six grand pianos with 12 pianists plus two players on each of two electronic keyboards. They also had a flute and drums. |
 Denise had a couple of turns at the electronic keyboard. In bigger numbers they had 16 keyboard players, as with the skit accompanying the Twelve Days of Christmas. |
 | The 25 musicians take a bow at the end of the outstanding performance. We were particularly proud of Denise, and of Gail Morris at extreme upper right, our church pianist at Mableton First. Several churches and several denominations were represented among the players.
It was a wonderful and rare opportunity to have this family group over to the house for dessert after the piano concert. Shown are Richard Ergle, Mary Daniel, Brenda, Dorothy Watts, Marie Ergle Lewis, Pat Ergle, Roger Boykin, Denise Vaughn, Wesley Duncan, Carol Sue Jones, Alisha, Sherry Dawson, ...
We decided to try to get some family group pictures while we were together. Here we got Wesley, Alisha, Carol, Denise, Roger, Sherry and Brenda.
Now Wesley, Sherry, Denise, Marie, Brenda, Dorothy, Pat and Richard.
With Rod and Brenda are Denise, Marie,Richard, and Dorothy.
With Alisha on the camera, we got Sherry, Denise, Marie, Brenda, Rod, Pat, Richard, Dorothy and Carol.
 | It was a relaxed time and some of us sat around the den until late, just talking. We had a lot of current events to catch up on, and it is always pleasant to reminisce about the old days.
2008 |