Black Swallowtail on Lantana
September 18, 2007
I walked out in the front yard to check on the Lantana bush, which was now blooming in profusion as if to say "Thank you" for all the pampering and watering we have done since we transplanted it. I planned a quick look, but there was this nice black swallowtail butterfly hanging around, so I went to get the camera. It was a neat contrast to the yellow swallowtail we had seen at Bent Tree last weekend. |  |
The Lantana blooms must have been sweet - you could see the long proboscis probing eagarly in the blooms.
It was hard to believe that this was the Lantana that was just sticks and a few top leaves just a few weeks ago.
What was intended as a quick look turned into 45 minutes of watching this graceful butterfly visit the different blooms of the plant. It was a reverie and a blessing for me.
An added bonus was the appearance of what I found out to be a hummingbird hawkmoth. Maybe I had seen one before, but not this close up.
2007 |