Singing Social at the Baker's
October 6, 2007
We had a Sunday School social at the Bakers in which the Baker family provided the music for us to sing along. Belinda and Evan Baker agreed to play for us, along with their grandfather Cecil Dutton and Mom Vickie Baker.
 | Jeff and Sandra Haney, Kelly and Doug Brandon with Drew. |
Chris and Karla Ayers, Drew, Stephen and Phillip Vineyard, Janet Vineyard. |  |
Stephen and Phillip with Janet above left. Phillip brought along his saxophone to add to the musical accompaniment. Evan above has the advantage of having his grandfather as a coach and fellow player and father Joe as encourager. The whole Baker family is active in the music for worship at Mableton First Baptist: Belinda on the keyboard, Evan on percussion, and Vickie and Joe in the choir.
And a good time was had by all! It was a blessing to sing together, and we appreciated the accompaniment of this musical family. |  |
 | Mr. Dutton not only plays the intruments and sings, he makes instruments! He demonstrated this dulcimer that he made some years ago. He has made one out of mahogany. It was interesting to hear how he wet the wood of the side walls to bend them into shape. He used a heated pipe to help with the forming of the wood. |
2007 |