Thanksgiving 2005
November 20-25, 2005
Jeff and family rolled in from Pearl River late on Sunday, November 20 and we got to visit with them all day Monday at home.
It was of course Elyse who had changed the most. She was now sitting and playing confidently, pulling up and walking along the couch, etc. | |
Elyse was interested in everything in the kitchen, particularly the dishwasher.
Elyse is not far from walking. She will hold onto your fingers and walk all the way across the room. She also finally found her forward gear in crawling, and crawls all over the place. | |
 | We have started a sort of tradition of saving our loose change between visits for the girls to use on a trip to the Bear Store. |
Jordan and Ashleigh pose by the Christmas tree with their bears and their new outfits.
2005 |