Grand Teton National Park
August 3, 2005
Having booked a 9:30 float trip on the Snake River, we set out into the park about 6AM to get early views of the mountains. Just at sunrise, there are low clouds above all the bodies of water.
Brenda cleans the windshield of our rental car at a turnout just as the rising sun strikes the top of the Tetons. |
We watched the sunlight hit the tops of the Tetons as the sun rose over the east ridge. |
We were intrigued by the low fog in the meadows as the sun rose. |
We drove again to our favorite spot from yesterday, the oxbow bend on the Snake River. This view is quite a bit different from yesterday when storm clouds stood over the peaks.
In the distance we could see the low clouds over Jackson Lake above the sagebrush flats. |
When we reached the Jackson Lake dam, the Snake River below the dam had fog rising from its surface. |
We drove by Jackson Lake and got this view of Mt. Moran with the delicate clouds rising from the lake. |
We drove to the summit of Signal Mountain and got this view of the valley to the East. Fog covers the Snake River in the valley. This was about 7AM and we were hoping that the fog would clear before our float trip at 9:30. |
Looking down at the valley, it was easy to imagine it as having been scoured out by a glacier. We were told that the valley was filled with glaciers during the ice ages, and that the entire floor was deep glacial morrain. That leads to the "high desert" type vegetation of sage and grasses since rainwater quickly drains away from the surface. |
Rod with the view of Lake Jackson and Mt. Moran from the top of Signal Mountain. The sun was so bright, I couldn't get a picture of Brenda at this spot because she couldn't face the sun. |
From the top of Signal Mountain we could now see clear stretches of the Snake River as the fog began to lift. |
This is the magnificent view of the mountains and Jackson Lake from the top of Signal Mountain. This is one of our vivid memories from our previous trip.
Brenda thinks she is standing on the same bench where I took a picture of her in 1982.  Lupine blooms say it is still spring here. |
We drove on around the west leg of the park road. I liked the white-trunked aspen trees, and enjoyed this perspective of Grand Teton. This valley had a rich stand of sage. |
As the fog cleared from the valley and the small puffy clouds formed around the peaks, it appeared that we were going to have a nice clear day for our float trip.
Our last stop on the loop was at the Chapel of the Transfiguration. Above its altar is this view of the Tetons. The morning had already been a time of worship and praise for the magnificent creation. So perhaps this was a fitting end to our morning loop. |
2005 |