Bald Mountain, Utah
August 4, 2005
 On Friday the weather was nice, so we decided to go up the ski lifts to the top of Bald Mountain at 9400 ft.
The first lift was the Silver Lake Express which is the right hand one under Brenda's arm. It took us to the skiing village of Silver Lake where we stopped for some ice cream. Then we took the Sterling Lift up to the top of Bald Mountain. It is the lighter solid red line to the right, going up to the top of Bald Mountain.
Thanks to all the enthusiastic mountain bikers, the ski lifts up the mountain were running regularly. We rode up among the aspen trees, which I loved.
This first lift took us over a hump and down into the ski village of Silver Lake. We then took the Sterling Lift on up to the top of Bald Mountain. Above right is a view of the reservoir to the east of us. We traveled along it on our trip to Mirror Lake and continued through Kamas which can just be seen in the center about two-thirds of the way up the picture.
From the top we could look down on the stretch of I-80 to the east that we had traveled to and from the Tetons. At 9400 feet we could feel the altitude as we walked around. |
The mountains to the south and southeast were very attractive. Beyond the reservoir in this picture are the mountains we drove into on the Mirror Lake trip. |
There were good views all around. at this point it seemed you were looking almost straight down on the reservoir.
There were inviting trails all among the mountains to the south. |
Right beside Rod is a view down on the main street of Park City. You could almost see the place where we were staying past the downtown area.
On this image you can clearly see Main Street in Park City and can pick out the Park Plaza where we stayed. |
We had to be grateful to the mountain bikers, because they were the reason the lifts up the mountain were running. They would carry their bikes to the top on the lift with them and then go careening down the many steep trails that led down the mountain.
We got great views from the lift down the mountain. At one point we got a good view of Main Street, Park City as shown in the bottom left corner above. I don't really like cell phones, but I had to be impressed that Brenda could talk with Darla in Pearl River, Louisiana from our ski lift above Park City, Utah. We were so impressed with the lift that we took it back up the next morning, Friday August 5, to get another look. Then we checked out and drove the 30 miles or so to Salt Lake City where Rod's AAPT meeting was to start on Saturday.