Sequoia National Park
August 5, 2004
We left early to drive from Merced south to Fresno on 99, passing through golden grassy hills and green fields irrigated from a concrete-lined canal. We turned east from Fresno and looked down on green orchards in the Fresno valley, above right.
The orchards blended into tree-dotted hills as we climbed into the hill country. Note the corral at the bottom of the view above right. Starting from an altitude of around 300 feet, we watched the altitude markers as we climbed to over 7000 feet.
After the long drive, we stopped at Kings Canyon Overlook to let the girls run and climb a bit. The lush green trees were glistening in the sunshine, a contrast to the dryness at lower altitudes.
Brenda and Ashleigh explore the rocks on the ridge at Kings Canyon Overlook. |
Ashleigh seems delighted to be able to get out and climb on the rocks.
Jordan balances along a fallen log. |
We spent a relaxing 30 minutes or so in this area, just climbing and running about in the clear morning air.
Brenda's idea about the use of rocks is to sun on them.
With a little help in the high places, the girls got to do a lot of exploration of the rocky mountain ridge.
Pretty heady stuff for a girl who has grown up in flat-as-a-pancake New Orleans! Ashleigh seems quite pleased with the experience.