To Jeff and Darla's in New Oleans
December 25, 2003
Aunt Diane and Grandmother Brenda help Ashleigh get settled in our van for the trip back to New Orleans.
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We headed over the causeway across the east end of Lake Poncetrain and were rewarded with a beautiful sunset.
Jordan and Ashleigh sang for us most of the way. Ashleigh knew every word of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and sang if for us enthusiastically.
Jordan and Ashleigh both got toy vacuum cleaners for Christmas. Everyone had a good time with that, with comments like "That's right, train them young." and cracks about child labor. Ashleigh was excited about Grandma's comments about her set looking like those the cleaning ladies in hotels use.
We had left the gifts from Aunt Sherry at Jeff and Darla's and had a second round of gift opening when we got there.
Regardless of what else is going on, the girls love to be read to. Jeff and Darla make that an important part of each day.
Ashleigh's creativity was in full swing with the hand puppets. She made up stories, used different voices, and really put on a show.
| After the Christmas day celebration at the Moyles, we had returned to Jeff and Darla's for another round of gifts. After squeals and excitement, we finally got Ashleigh and Jordan to settle down on the couch with the presents from Aunt Sherry.
Friday, December 26
| Surely you wouldn't get the idea that this is a proud Granddad holding Jordan! We had a relaxing day on Friday and just enjoyed the company of Jeff and Darla and the girls. |
With a sunny afternoon, Jeff was inclined to go out and play with his new football! Ashleigh and Jordan were keen on anything that would get them outside.
Ashleigh and Jordan went out to play football with Jeff and Grandad on the open grassy area across from their house. We played among the cypress trees hung with Spanish moss.
Long throws between Jeff and Rod were followed by short tosses to Ashleigh and Jordan. Granted, the girls are a bit too small for football, but it gave us an enjoyable game to play with them in the sunny, shirtsleeve weather of the day after Christmas.
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Darla got into the act with the football as well. When we tired of football, the girls enjoyed a game of chase with Darla, the "tickle-monster".
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Saturday, December 27
| We gathered with the Moyle family at the Cracker Barrel in Slidell for breakfast. |
| With a nice fire in the fireplace and a checkerboard, it was a family-friendly place.  |
We tried this kind of family breakfast last year, and it was a lot of fun. So with this year's occasion, maybe we're on our way to adding this to the family Christmas tradition.
The joy of five grandchildren five and under in age was contagious. When you see that kind of vitality and think about God's blessing of life, the joy spread to all of us. We were grateful for the privilege of joining with the Moyle family to celebrate the Savior's birth.