GBH 100th Anniversary
Chapel Service
October 13, 2002
The final event of the 100th Anniversary Celebration was a chapel service on Sunday morning in Cecil B. Day Hall. John Glover led our congregational singing and led the choir. He had worked with the choir of student nurses at GBH for over 10 years.
Shirley Rawlins introduced the program and the speakers for the chapel service. Shirley was a member of the Class of the September 1969 Class. She is currently Associate Dean for Georgia Baptist College of Nursing. |  |
 | Linda Dillworth brought the welcome and prayer of blessing. Linda is a member of the Class of September 1970 and has served as a missionary to the Philippines. |
Pam Smith, Class of June 1976, brought a testimony "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus". |  |
 | John Glover led a collection of former GBH Student Nurse Choir members. |
Pepe Bowman, Class of June 1998, brought a testimony "The Journey Continues". |  |
 | Pearl Duvall was chaplain of the School of Nursing and director of activities for the Baptist Student Union. Using the title "Small Beginnings - Glorious Endings", she spoke of small beginnings which produced large results, using the parable of the mustard seed. She spoke of experiences in Nigeria, the beginnings of the Georgia Baptist School of Nursing, Mercer and the new beginning of Georgia Baptist School of Nursing at Mercer. |
Dr. Dorothy Pryor brought the closing prayer. Dr. Pryor is former Chairperson of the Governing Board for the College of Nursing, and was for 28 years the Executive Director-Treasurer of the Baptist Women's Missionary Union of Georgia. She received the Award for Excellence in Volunteer Leadership during this centennial celebration. In the background is John Glover. |  |
Following the chapel service we had a nice brunch on the breezeway next to the Day Chapel. This is one last group picture of the September 1962 Class. L-R: Pam Gladden Reynolds, Harriette Huff Burel, Frankie Tompkins Stuart, Brenda Duncan Nave, Julie Guerry Dreher, Genie Hancock Coats, Mary Beth Holder Pullen, Anne Newton, Beverly Williams Good .
Brenda and Cindy Adams (Class of 1972) after the Sunday brunch. Cindy worked with Brenda in the Case Management Department at Georgia Baptist Medical Center from about 1982 to 1989. Cindy now lives in Jacksonville, Florida.
The weekend celebration comes to an end. Brenda expresses appreciation to Jenny McCurdy, Director of Development and Alumni Services, GBCON. Jenny had worked so tirelessly for months to see this celebration come about that our standard line to her on the weekend was "You're still on your feet?".
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