Christmas to the Cross
Johnny Huffman mans the collection box for the Bethlehem tax registration. Then the visitors travel down the street of Bethlehem. The basket shop is one of the attractions there.
The bread shop is another of the shops. Elaine leads a group past the shops toward the Bethlehem Inn.
The innkeeper grumpily delivers his "No room at the inn" message, and shepherds watch their flocks by night.
The shepherds point to the amazing happenings in the sky and lead the way to the manger.
The shepherds take us to the stable to see an event which will change the world forever. The journey then proceeds to the home of Jesus as a young boy at the time of the visit from the Magi.
Grayson Bartlett portrays the young boy Jesus, accompanied by his parents, Wendy and Kevin. The Magi visit.
A llama in the foreground is part of the scene as the boy Jesus ponders the gifts of the Magi.
Grayson took one of the gifts of the Magi to Elaine as she led a group by. A fitting gesture in portraying the one who gave His all.
The journey continues to the carpenter shop where Jesus learned the trade of his father Joseph, a carpenter. Chip Ayres with his two sons Alex and Tyler ably manned the carpenter shop for all three nights of Christmas to the Cross. |
As Jesus started his public ministry, we began to hear that he cleansed lepers, made the blind ot see and the lame to walk. These miracles are depicted by Ruth Floyd, Jason Anderson, and Breanna Weaver.
The woman who was healed upon touching the hem of Jesus' garment is portrayed by Pat Peal. Then the journey proceeded to the house of the young girl who was brought back to life and returned to her parents. Susan Caldwell portrays the mother and Kristina Caldwell the young girl. After Susan's story, tiny Kristina piped up with "He's a miracle worker!".
The crowd triumphantly welcomed Jesus as he entered Jerusalem, but the priests were glad he was there for a different reason. They saw this as their chance to get rid of him.
Pilate washed his hands of him, the crowd cried "crucify him", he was crucified, dead and buried. But as Elaine Ridgway stands with outstretched hands to proclaim, "He is alive!".
These images were captured from nightshot digital video.