With Ashleigh and Jordan to the Atlanta Zoo
November 24, 2000
Rod left at 5:30am to take Jeff, Darla, Marty and Marty's sister to the airport for a day trip to New York City. We decided to take Ashleigh and Jordan to the Atlanta Zoo. So Rod, Brenda, Sherry and Mark took off with them to see the animals.
 | Ashleigh watched the elephants with great interest from atop Uncle Mark's shoulders. Both Ashleigh and Jordan, as well as the adults, seemed to enjoy everything. |
We think this is a Thompson's gazelle at right. It was in the area with the rhino, zebra, and a couple of extraordinary bird species.
There were also two giraffes in the area with the zebra and gazelle. This was the first time a giraffe stuck out its tongue at me! Actually the giraffe was eating leaves from the top of a tree and was working his amazingly long tongue in and out.
This ostrich was hanging out with the giraffes. Something of a long-neck club. It moved over close to us to drink out of the small pond. It reached down to take a few dips into the water and then raised its head all the way up to swallow.
One of the most delightful surprises of the zoo was this active trio of asian otters. They never ceased their enthusiastic exploration and play. An otter is a model of exuberance and playfulness.
I think this is a young male of the species of baboon which has the large bare red rump when mature. There was an adult male and female pair in the area.
The rattlesnake above left was one of many creepy-crawly residents of the reptile house. We think the above crocodile variety is called a gavial. The gavials are rare asian crocodiles which live on the major rivers of northern India and Thailand.
These gorillas are offspring of Willie B. I think. This mother and young one were out in the grassy area while about a half dozen others were playing around right by the glass observation area next to all the people.
The red panda was grooming himself back in the tree, so we couldn't get a clear view of him. He was a great contrast from the giant pandas below. Jordan got a ride from Mark to get a high altitude view.
After all the excitement and publicity attending their arrival last year to the Atlanta Zoo, the giant pandas were very calm and seemed to feel at home.
This tiger paced continuously back and forth behind a glass wall from probably two dozen viewers.
Having gotten a royal ride on Uncle Mark's shoulders, Jordan was still going strong at the end of our loop through the Atlanta Zoo.