By Faith: Arise and Build
Churchwide Banquet, December 8, 1985
One tradition is the trip to the Youth Evangelism Conference in Macon. |
Last year it featured |
Al Holley who grew up in our church. |
Camp Lee is another highlight of the youth calendar, |
mixing spiritual growth activities with vigorous exercise. |
From Camp Lee's famous "slock ride" |
to White Water, |
climbing Stone Mountain |
and exploring the depths of Cumberland Caverns. |
Numerous fellowship opportunities make use of the activities to which the energy and curiosity of youth naturally draw them. |
Reinforced by Bible Study in our Sunday School and Church Training, the varied experiences foster the development of a community of faith for our involved youth and provide outreach opportunities. |
We are very proud of the pastors and other full-time Christian workers which this community of faith has produced. |
Choral music has been a major part of the worship experience of Mableton First Baptist since the start of the organized choir program in 1944. |
In 1958 Arthur Durand was called to our church as Minister of Music. |
The Sanctuary Choir under his leadership has blessed our hearts on a regular basis. |
Arthur has guided the development of a graded choir program which he directed in its entirety until 1971. |
Younger choirs in worship provide not only an education in music but an exercise in praising God. |
(Music) |
Along with the musical expression of praise |
comes a teaching experience in the ways of faith |
and a dramatic reenactment of the great stories of the Bible. |
(Music) |
The musical pageants of our children are a joy to the entire congregation as we share the results of their musical experience. |
Many of our members are involved in costuming and helping to support the performance. |
MFBC History |