By Faith: Arise and Build

Churchwide Banquet, December 8, 1985

One tradition is the trip to the Youth Evangelism Conference in Macon.

Last year it featured

Al Holley who grew up in our church.

Camp Lee is another highlight of the youth calendar,

mixing spiritual growth activities with vigorous exercise.

From Camp Lee's famous "slock ride"

to White Water,

climbing Stone Mountain

and exploring the depths of Cumberland Caverns.

Numerous fellowship opportunities make use of the activities to which the energy and curiosity of youth naturally draw them.

Reinforced by Bible Study in our Sunday School and Church Training, the varied experiences foster the development of a community of faith for our involved youth and provide outreach opportunities.

We are very proud of the pastors and other full-time Christian workers which this community of faith has produced.

Choral music has been a major part of the worship experience of Mableton First Baptist since the start of the organized choir program in 1944.

In 1958 Arthur Durand was called to our church as Minister of Music.

The Sanctuary Choir under his leadership has blessed our hearts on a regular basis.

Arthur has guided the development of a graded choir program which he directed in its entirety until 1971.

Younger choirs in worship provide not only an education in music but an exercise in praising God.


Along with the musical expression of praise

comes a teaching experience in the ways of faith

and a dramatic reenactment of the great stories of the Bible.


The musical pageants of our children are a joy to the entire congregation as we share the results of their musical experience.

Many of our members are involved in costuming and helping to support the performance.
